Theory of Change
Too often, promises made in the name of development are not delivered to the extent they should be. Our Theory of Change outlines the change we intend to bring about in order to address this issue.

What's the problem?
Download our detailed Theory of Change here.
Many promises are made in the name of development. Too often, these promises are not delivered to the extent they should be.
In many places across the world, citizens experience poor performance of essential services as a matter of routine[1]. Roads being washed away months after they are built, promises of new classrooms and clinics that never materialise, teachers who fail to turn up for work – these issues and more are all too common for people living in poverty.
In places where support is most needed, these broken promises and mismanagement have a profound effect on vital development outcomes such as access to healthcare and social services – and on basic human rights. These failures of service delivery, as well as failures of listening and responding, also create a widespread lack of trust.
Who is affected?
Broken development promises disproportionately affect people living in poverty, those who are illiterate or otherwise unaware of their rights, and those who are at higher risk of social exclusion.
The members of this last group vary between contexts but can include women and girls, people living with disabilities, the LGBTQI community, youth and/or older people, migrants, refugees, those living in remote locations, those without secure employment, adults who are unmarried and/or childless, and members of ethnic, linguistic or religious minorities.
What change do we want to see?
Integrity Action’s vision is for a just and equitable world, where citizens are empowered and integrity is central to vibrant societies.
Our mission is to help build societies in which all citizens can – and do – successfully demand integrity from the institutions they rely on.
Our focus on all citizens aligns with the underpinning principle of the SDGs to ‘leave no one behind’[2]. We are passionate that ‘no goal should be met unless it is met for everyone’, and so people at risk of exclusion (including women and girls) are central to our approach.
Our Theory of Change outlines how Integrity Action intends to bring about change in order to address these problems.
Download our detailed Theory of Change here.
[1] At Integrity Action, we use the term ‘citizen’ whilst recognising that not everybody holds legal citizenship of the place in which they live. Throughout this document, our use of the term refers to the role that all persons are equally entitled to play as rights-holding members of the human family (as set out in international human rights legislation), which may sometimes be in contrast to other roles they hold in their civic, social, political or economic lives and employment.
[2] “In committing to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Member States recognized that the dignity of the individual is fundamental and that the Agenda’s Goals and targets should be met for all nations and people and for all segments of society. Furthermore, they endeavoured to reach first those who are furthest behind.”